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Fetlocks_Glistening t1_j1uxh6r wrote

It's smoke that gets people, not fire. Fire alarms and crawling is the answer. So if you're that worried, install smoke alarms and buy a respirator with a filter that works against fire smoke, store it low where you can reach it from all fours with eyes closed. And for some extra fun on a rainy day practice crawling with your eyes closed to the respirator, put it on, crawl to kids bedroom and out the door. (Then see if the neigbours believe your explanation of what you're doing locked out of the house on all fours in your PJs with a gas mask on, and report back pls)


rtpkickballer OP t1_j1x0j9u wrote

We have the alarms and I suppose that really would be what gives us plenty of time to get out and make my new found paranoia unnecessary. :)