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way2funni t1_j1v2bz9 wrote

maybe OP's thinking is worst case scenario with a fire well on it's way to consuming the structure and best hope is just calm/slow/delay the fire's spread to get time to get everyone out which is one way to look at it.

My thought is to have multiple extinguishers prepositioned along with multiple ways out including windows. heavy blankets in the bedrooms hallways. tossed over the back of the couch. etc.

and these throwable extinguishers are amazing in an enclosed space that would challenge a handheld pressurized unit.

They can shut down a kitchen fire in one or 2 shots or make a hole through a larger fire to be able to get out the door.

spend for proper smoke detectors. don't forget the garage if you park indoors.


s-maerken t1_j1va401 wrote

I can only imagine OP is thinking of a scenario where he'll be running through fire filled rooms and extinguishing the flames in his direct path to the exit, like a video game or something.


rtpkickballer OP t1_j1wz4tk wrote

Thanks for coming from a different angle and understanding. Yes worst case scenario where there is a fire on the stairs and section of the floor which is between me and the kids. I would need to be in and out of 3 rooms and then get out of the house.


hannahranga t1_j1z60ac wrote

You're almost certainly better off going out the most convenient door and back in their bedroom window. The way more significant issue is you choking to death from the smoke of whatever's on fire.