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throwaway23271031 t1_j1oqp0t wrote

my roommate was doing this for months and she wasn't even in prison.


sketchyhotgirl t1_j1pico7 wrote

just in the trenches huh LMAO


throwaway23271031 t1_j1pijp4 wrote

we lived in a primarily white suburban neighborhood. we were low-to-middle class in a primarily hick town full of weird old people.

so yes 😁


SwansonHOPS t1_j1re2cr wrote

Did you not realize you can get 5L of boxed wine for like 10 bucks?


crazyjkass t1_j1rel1g wrote

I suppose she was doing it more for fun than to simply get drunk lol.


SwansonHOPS t1_j1rfaz0 wrote

Me and some friends did this in college for the fun of it too, but we used baker's yeast instead of bread.