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hahamu t1_j0q91tg wrote

This is the great old America they want back.
Back when you were free and words could send you to prison.


[deleted] t1_j0r7wug wrote



hahamu t1_j0rj3c5 wrote

Even if that was true (it's not), my point is that there never was a "better America" It was always the same, in some cases worse even. MAGA doesn't make sense, it's a chase for something that does not exist.


Chillchinchila1 t1_j0s3pc6 wrote

I fucking wish but no, Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro made that whole thing up.


Electronic_Growth554 t1_j0t5tpx wrote

You definitely can't in the States, and you can't even in Canada contrary to popular belief.