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Bobrakis t1_j1ao1y4 wrote

I went on holiday to the States recently, before I left I created myself a digital US phone number to use over there, the number for which had never before been used. For weeks that phone number never rang, no messages, nothing.

While in the States, I went to a Cheesecake Factory (for some cheesecake, obviously). There was a queue so I had to leave my phone number and wait to be texted or phoned or whatever.

I shit you not, just 10 minutes after giving them my phone number, the spam calls began. They kept going and going until I deactivated the number as soon as I was home. Much as I love cheesecake, fuck the Cheesecake Factory's data lack of protection.


Madhavaz t1_j1asbws wrote

You are absolutely correct. As soon as you used it at the Cheesecake Factory they knew it was an active number and they started in.