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EngineersAreStupid t1_j17iwmd wrote

My dad told me about this and all I could think was “you owned a TV at that time?” He watched the game through the radio. When I say watch, I mean he sat there in the living room with mom and no air conditioner while listening to an old radio.


saliczar t1_j17rccu wrote

Watching soccer is punishment enough, I can't imagine how boring it is to listen to it on the radio.


Jake_91_420 t1_j17t2j0 wrote

It’s by far the world’s most popular sport for a reason!


saliczar t1_j19eqaf wrote

Popularity =/= quality


CeccoGrullo t1_j1di8f3 wrote

In fact, it is notorious that people are naturally attracted to boring stuff. /s