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cuicocha t1_j25ksqb wrote

>... you have to put a lot of energy (heat) against it to heat it up (or cool it down)

This refers to specific heat (energy required to change temperature) and is not the same as thermal conductivity.

>Ice wants to stay ice. this is why ice cubes work so well to keep drinks cool.

This refers to heat of fusion. Also not the same as thermal conductivity.

You could replace the ice in snow with different substances with lower specific heat, lower heat of fusion, and a melting point so high that melting is irrelevant, and it would still be a poor heat conductor due to the large air content.


PeachSnappleOhYeah t1_j25szzm wrote

every one of your comments in your comment history is argumentative, about stupid details and generally telling other people they are wrong.

you seem like a genuine asshole.

edit: omg that creep actually replied from an alt account just to get the last word in! hahahahaha


Strykker2 t1_j263hb1 wrote

and every one of your replies in this thread is you being an argumentative asshole who also happens to be wrong half the time.