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Morall_tach t1_j23wssr wrote

The poem "A Visit From Saint Nicholas" from 1823 created a lot of what we now think of as canon Santa lore. First mention of a sleigh pulled by reindeer, for example.


CranstonBickle t1_j23xz8p wrote

The Dutch Sinterklaas had its roots about that time as well - similar thing


temporarysecretary17 t1_j261b7j wrote

Pretty sure Santa Claus is actually an anglicized version of the name sinterklaas.


Nomomommy t1_j277293 wrote

Just gonna throw this in: reindeer love Amanita Muscaria mushrooms (the famous red one with white dots that smurfs live in?) and they get fuuuuucked up. That mushroom is so potent, Shamans in Scandinavia and Siberia would feed them to their deer, collect the urine, boil it down and drink it and also get fucked up. That's my flying reigndeer reference.


oh-propagandhi t1_j27qtnu wrote

It's less about the strength and more that the deer filter out the good compounds while harmlessly absorbing some of the compounds that fuck up a human stomach pretty bad.


Nomomommy t1_j27zjhb wrote

Ahh. Mushroom tummy, that sounds more accurate. Thanks for weighing in.


CeterumCenseo85 t1_j277qo7 wrote

Funny how messy this is in Germany:

on 6th of Dec: St Nikolaus brings some small presents. An old man with a white beard, dressed in red and white.

on 24th of Dec: in northern Germany the "Christmas Man" (Weihnachtsmann) brings the presents. Basically Santa Claus. In roughly southern Germany the "Christ Child" (Christkind) brings the presents. It's not baby Jesus, and is instead portrayed as a girl with long, curled, blonde hair, even though it is generally considered genderless.