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DemonicSilvercolt t1_j59bnkh wrote

dont forget their work culture, its normal for many of them to sleep overnight in the office or come way eariler to work just to look good in front of bosses, taking vacations would work against that


Freak_Out_Bazaar t1_j59bw2y wrote

No, that’s not normal and very much an anomaly. I’ve worked in Japan for the last 15+ years


h3lme7 t1_j59vziq wrote

But that guy read a TIL once and now knows the ins and outs of Japanese culture!


EloquentEvergreen t1_j5a3r65 wrote

That guy’s a noob! I learned everything about Japan from this episode of some anime my friend made me watch in high school. I don’t remember what it was called, but it had a floating turtle and some boy living with a bunch of girls.

Also, fun fact! In Japan, a fish in your shorts is 8 years of neither good nor bad luck! The Japanese are very superstitious.