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t1_j62aqrh wrote

Want to know how it came about? Gary Marshal asked his 7 year old kid if he was still watching Happy Days. The kid said no and he asked why. The kid said there was no space stuff in it and he liked space stuff. The kid suggested Richie have a dream about space men.

And Mork was born

Gary Marshal interview where de talks about Mork


t1_j6506nf wrote

And, from what I heard, when they were still looking for someone it was suggested that they check out a street performer who was (I think) acting like an alien. The response was 'you want me to hire a guy with a cup off the street?' and he was told 'the cup is always full'. That street performer was Robin Williams.


t1_j62ljd7 wrote

“Garry” was the spelling…


t1_j63lv7k wrote

The sheer F'in hubris, two friggen "r"s? Well not on my watch. No sir.

Sory Gary, not gonna happen.