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artie_pdx t1_j4jzh47 wrote

Burn the witch!


ldspsygenius t1_j4k08e8 wrote

I hope they immediately excommunicated him for this.


artie_pdx t1_j4k0vi2 wrote

For real. “Misinformation” should be punished. There are some people who think cancel culture is something new.


harce t1_j4ltm89 wrote

Yeah, only the ones complaining about cancel culture tend to be in the same funclub as the ones who had a thing for burning at the stake the ones saying stuff they did not like.


[deleted] t1_j4lolg3 wrote



AirborneRodent t1_j4n7zq8 wrote

Aristarchus of Samos was not burned at the stake.

You're thinking of Giordano Bruno, who lived 1800 years after Aristarchus. Bruno was burned at the stake, not just because he believed the Earth orbited the Sun, but because he believed that the universe was infinite, with countless other gods, and that Jesus was a malicious con man who deceived humanity into thinking there was only one god.