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TacoS4Me-69-420 t1_j63ag13 wrote

jackson destroyed the second bank of the united states, which was trying to turn the united states into the pseudo-monarchy that it is today.


Secret_Ad_1506 t1_j63cas5 wrote

Hah, that’s actual lunacy. Andrew Jackson literally caused the panic of 1837 by ending the regulations the 2nd bank had.

Also, he kickstarted the trail of tears?


TacoS4Me-69-420 t1_j63f6w8 wrote

> Andrew Jackson literally caused the panic of 1837 by ending the regulations the 2nd bank had.

this line of reasoning could be used very ably to justify keeping actual dictators in power, im pretty sure it having absolutely no congressional oversight and its supporters in congress electing to keep it that way was what cause the panic, not the guy getting rid of it.

> Also, he kickstarted the trail of tears?

helluva lot better than what they did to themselves


EristicTrick t1_j6bu4nq wrote

Your worldview is fucked and your linked source is pathetic. Go defend genocide somewhere else.