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RamboSixVegas t1_j5jr4v1 wrote

It happens every time Titanic is spoken about online, and I'm sure it happens in every disaster. People typing in ALLCAPS to get across how USELESS all those people were in the disaster. Stupid, weak and cold-hearted.

How, if their own badass was there, they would've saved everyone through their brilliance, strength, and unflinching good nature.

I'll bet they've never been in a survival situation, let alone make these kinds of decisions, especially not in a position of power in these situations where eyes are looking at them for answers.

Good examples of that happening in this comment section.


Jrubas t1_j5juuqz wrote

People lack perspective and they lack empathy. They gleefully judge others without stopping to put themselves in their shoes. E

very survival situation spawns a few heroes who rise to the occasion. Until you've been in that kind of situation and have proven yourself to be among the 1 percent of badasses, how about you cool it with the finger-wagging, huh?

It's funny, the same shit happened right after the ship sank. It just goes to show that 111 years later, some people are still the same judgemental assholes that they were in 1912.


RamboSixVegas t1_j5k83nq wrote

Reading through the thread, there's a commonly known fact that hasn't been brought up.

The crewmembers, and many passengers, knew there wasn't enough space in the lifeboats for everyone currently in the water. They already had to make the decision to let others die to ensure they didn't die with them, including people they loved. They're already making difficult decisions under awful circumstances.

What everyone seems to be condemning them for is for failing to calculate in their head a formula that would yield the exact amount of time to get the most people saved in a survival situation involving listening to hundreds of people die. How reddit is that?


Jrubas t1_j5konge wrote

It's one of the most Reddit things imaginable. When people are thrust into an awful situation like the Titanic disaster, they're not thinking clearly. All these commenters swear up and down that they would be sober and clear-headed throughout. Maybe some would be, but most would freeze up like a deer in the headlights.