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OTee_D t1_j6mpj1q wrote

The term is reused in modern management principles and refers to ritualistic actions in companies that are useless but just adhered to 'tradition' or because 'someone says'.


Nazamroth t1_j6n6ifu wrote

Hey, it works for the Mechanicus. Now, toll the great bell once: with push of button engage piston and pump.


Jampine t1_j6ndg0i wrote

I love in Steel Tread there's a blood sacrifice ritual for basically restarting the tank engine.

Highly heretical, but it works.


Nazamroth t1_j6ngxow wrote

Storm of Steel, i think it was? Where the iron warriors assault the gene seed planet. The guardsman has to chant the Hymn of Firing or whatever its called, but he doesnt know what that is.

So he gets frustrated, starts shouting FIRE YOU DAMN THING! and smashes a button with his fist. And lo and behold, the machine spirit listens.


Jampine t1_j6nmp5u wrote

The imperial infantrymans uplifting primer has all the prayers at the end.

Though that strategy reminds me of Black Bess from Battlefield One; "She likes it when you swear".


flibbidygibbit t1_j6njdfq wrote

We had a C-level executive who wanted our site to be as feature-rich as Amazon because they're the leader in e-commerce.

He wanted us to disregard actual customer requests to insert Amazon's features into our e-comm platform.

Umm, our product is niched down. We will never have "Earth's biggest selection" or whatever. Our store customers don't want anything distracting users from placing items in the cart and checking out.


tmccnt t1_j6peu9e wrote

We also use this term in engineering if people just copy things that may work to some extend without knowing why.