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TLDReddit73 t1_j6nbg9r wrote

This makes me sad. They were just wanting some stuff to fall from the sky like they had seen. They couldn’t figure out why it wasn’t working for them.


Perpetual_Doubt t1_j6oojeb wrote

Little did they know that the true magic ritual to cause US military supplies to be dropped on the island was to sink the USS Arizona


Reddit-runner t1_j6ogxxd wrote

But that's exactly the same as for any other religion!

Same bs, but since it's routed in culture most people don't realise it.


DMRexy t1_j6oksuz wrote

At least their religion has some basis in reality, even if they got the details wrong.


A_brown_dog t1_j6p1y07 wrote

That's the point, they literally saw gifts coming from heaven and some people riding chariots of fire flying through the skies, that religion is the only real one so far


Lordxeen t1_j6p5e11 wrote

Religion has been compared watching a rabbit run into a tree stump and break its neck… then spending the rest of your life looking at the stump waiting for it to happen again.