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FaustusRedux t1_j5tczoa wrote

Is that what we're calling sex now? A joyride to Baltimore?


pataconconqueso t1_j5ttv4k wrote

I can see that being the title of the next lesbian old timey artsey movie.

Joyride to Baltimore: starring Cate Blanchett and Gillian Anderson


A0ma t1_j5u9phc wrote

But they already have a vintage ad for "Amelia and Eleanor go for a Ride"


arcosapphire t1_j5uw9lk wrote

> ...the two women delighted in their adventure — a celebration of independence and friendship.

> This large-format lavishly produced picture book captures the courage and pioneering spirit of two friends who defied convention in the name of fulfillment, conviction, and fun.

Yes. Friends. r/sapphoandherfriend


chronoboy1985 t1_j5xjk1j wrote

The title?

Faster then the Speed of Love by Brian Griffin.


wabj17 t1_j5tey6q wrote

As euphemisms go, it's a bit too obvious. Who would believe that anyone went to Baltimore on a whim?


Riccars t1_j5tnxlp wrote

To their credit they may not have landed in Baltimore, just flew over.


Ordinary-Flamingo416 t1_j5uhotd wrote

I like the Baltimore airport I’ll say that. And the oldest operating bar in the US is there.


Kraetzi t1_j5xtw1p wrote

Old timey swing Joyride to Baltimore I cried for more Joyride to Baltimore My lower body's sore Joyride too Baltimooooooore! I never had this feeling befoooooore Flappers, Jazzhands, Featherboas, Cut