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Seeksp t1_j6jrn4y wrote

Typically both are infertile.


awawe OP t1_j6jry3k wrote

According to the article the male isn't affected very much, though he may be slightly less fertile due to a decrease in testicle size.


Seeksp t1_j6js6rl wrote

Interesting. I took a lot of animal science in uni and they always taught us both were infertile.


TylerBradleyLegend t1_j6ju3e8 wrote

Unless you received your degree from a religion based university, it's safe to say you can still trust your education over a Wikipedia page....


Cannie_Flippington t1_j6klvgc wrote

Except with tigons and ligers! My favorite example of assumed sterility. Apparently the whole world just forgot they weren't actually sterile for 20 years.

I can never find the article where a zoo had a tigon enclosed with an opposite sex tiger and was so surprised when they had babies.


Seeksp t1_j6judvy wrote

I do. Land grants pride themselves on science based research.


Naxela t1_j6kuqgj wrote

Why would the male be affected? There's no source that could cause demasculinization in this scenario. Only the male twin is producing disruptive hormones here.


Seeksp t1_j6kv63j wrote

Grad school is a while ago so I don't remember the specific papers backing it up but that's what we were taught.