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gwaydms t1_j6kuk8o wrote

The one on Dr. Pol had a blind vagina, and was injured by the bull. Pol saved her life so she could be raised as a steer


chantillylace9 t1_j6l6sk8 wrote

A…a……a…..WHAT vagina?


gwaydms t1_j6l7k1z wrote

A freemartin often doesn't have internal reproductive organs. A blind passage ends without connecting to anything else, like the unfortunate bovine's vagina. That's why she was injured by the bull.


chantillylace9 t1_j6mqpl7 wrote

This is both better and worse than I had imagined. I sure hope this isn’t very common. And I’m even more glad that doesn’t happen with human twins


snogard_dragons t1_j6lybjs wrote

Doc Pol knows what’s up


gwaydms t1_j6m0knu wrote

He's 80, and still practicing AFAIK. As long as he can do the hard work, he will.


kelldricked t1_j6m38qd wrote

I always love watching that show untill he picks the gloves and shoves his entire arm into the hole of a cow, donkey or horse.

Then i suddenly regret watching it, while eating and pretend like the show doesnt exist for 3 months. Then i forget why i never watch it and the cycle repeats.


wotmate t1_j6mfbl6 wrote

You should try it sometime, it's quite warm.