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V6Ga t1_j61bljg wrote

It also allows direct deposit of human waste as fertilizer!

Japan famously used untreated human waste for for the majority of its fertilizer until the 1950s, and still uses it in some areas.

Edit: Bring on the downvotes for stating facts!

Some people don't know much about Japan, I guess, including many young Japanese from the big cities who simply have no idea what life in agricultural areas in Japan is like. Trying to convince Japanese kids from Tokyo that paying the monthly 汲み取り bill is still a fact of life in parts of Japan is kind of funny. As is finding out that the pumper trucks just take it out to rice fields and dump it on. Yes, virginia there is a honeydipper.


KmartQuality t1_j628f48 wrote

Everything is fertilizer in an agricultural flood zone