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Mewhenthe4 OP t1_j6j1sy3 wrote

Also, I already knew the U.S. was bigger, I was just providing context for the overall fact that China is higher than both of them in the rankings of total land area.


acroman39 t1_j6ktsp9 wrote

There’s land under water so..


Mewhenthe4 OP t1_j6kw6ld wrote

Wow, what a great revalation. It’s almost like we’re talking about surface land.


acroman39 t1_j6kwvbk wrote

What about during droughts in the summer when lake levels dramatically drop?


Mewhenthe4 OP t1_j6l15hy wrote

What does that have to do with anything? How do I know how they calculate it?

Use your brain.

Edit: Also, you even just said that the lake level drops, not fully dries up. So nothing would change even if the lake levels dropped since there is still water there.
