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t1_j5uul63 wrote

While we are talking William Hope Hodgson, check out his story 'The Night Land', that's about an earth plunged into an eternal night, where humanity survives in the Last Redoubt, surrounded by unspeakable horrors. This is the fiction that inspired H. P. Lovecraft.


t1_j5uz9k5 wrote

Also, The House on the Borderland. It starts with a dude's old mansion getting attacked by pig people and then it gets weird.


t1_j5w3qvn wrote

One of my favorite stories ever.


t1_j5w50jo wrote

If you love it as much as I do, I highly highly HIGHLY recommend reading this, the unofficial sequel to The Night Land.

100% catches the feel of the original in these four stories.


t1_j5w5ai6 wrote

Oh yes, read this too! Found it because I NEEDED to know more about the world, and I think Wright did a great job fleshing it out while staying true to Hodgson's tone. Now you're making me want to go reread all of it :)