Smurfblossom t1_j4gchhd wrote
I wonder if the transition to eating spinach for strength happened due to a whiffle hen shortage. I also wonder how many kids became spinach eaters hoping to be Popeye strong.
jaybazzizzle t1_j4gcydw wrote
Before that he used to rub roosters. The comics just didn't want to show Popeye stroking his cock for some reason
Jaded_Prompt_15 t1_j4gd41y wrote
They picked spinach because a widespread typo that said it had like 10 or even 100x the iron it actually does...
WaitingForNormal t1_j4gemua wrote
“Cocks” they called them cocks back then.
DefiantStomp t1_j4gfhox wrote
This man gave me a love of spinach and a nickname
Mallninja42069 t1_j4ggioj wrote
Choking them even
LeelaBeela89 t1_j4ggk7n wrote
Idk about the chicken. So you’re telling me he got those big ass forearms for rubbing on cock.
[deleted] t1_j4ggnzc wrote
threedogcircus t1_j4ggz1k wrote
It's hard to say.
wrextnight t1_j4ghhfs wrote
I remember a Til from years ago that said g instead of mg. I was like dude, no it's gotta make actual sense.
bumjiggy t1_j4giw3i wrote
they still do, but they used to, too.
THECONSPICUOUS0 t1_j4gjtvk wrote
he got huge energy by rubbing cocks 😏
CornWallacedaGeneral t1_j4gnqgk wrote
He wasn't rubbing a chicken...He was choking HIS chicken 😎
TricksterJinx t1_j4gpno8 wrote
And once he eats spinach he is able to "tank" the reality being deleted source
FjordExplorher t1_j4gt1a8 wrote
Rubbing the chicken. A specific one.
MrArgento t1_j4gu463 wrote
I've been lied to MY ENTIRE LIFE!
ElfMage83 t1_j4gywyj wrote
His ancestor Hercules gained strength from smelling garlic until he discovered spinach.
BloodBoundCavalier t1_j4hclb3 wrote
Hens are specifically not cocks, though. I can only imagine what kind of luck rubbing a whiffle-cock would give you!
bayesian13 t1_j4heite wrote
supposedly many people have the MTHFR which leads to anemia if you don't eat enough green leafy vegetables. Popeye may have been on to something with the spinach. "Symptoms of an MTHFR gene mutation
MTHFR mutations affect everyone differently, and symptoms can vary from long-term health issues to hardly noticeable changes in overall health. Research has shown an association between MTHFR mutations and several health problems including:
ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
Autoimmune disease and thyroid issues
Cardiovascular disease
Chronic fatigue
Kaliisthesweethog t1_j4hfh36 wrote
monkeypox_69 t1_j4hh39r wrote
The proper term is stroking.
Zlifbar t1_j4hhcc7 wrote
man, if stroking a "cock" made one strong, I could lift the moon!
ChristophColombo t1_j4hl56v wrote
Changed because, when they were writing his theme song, they discovered that"whiffle hen" doesn't rhyme very well.
[deleted] t1_j4hlaz4 wrote
shifty_coder t1_j4hmyv8 wrote
The movie alludes that his massive forearms are genetic, as his father shares the same features, and Popeye initially hates spinach.
sundayontheluna t1_j4hnq2h wrote
hehe cock fluffer 😎
zamfire t1_j4hqmup wrote
Wooow dude just called me a MTHFR!
quadmasta t1_j4hrbjw wrote
What a euphemism: rubbing the whiffle hen
sweet-n-sombre t1_j4hvn11 wrote
DroolingIguana t1_j4i4ig0 wrote
I remember when I was a kid some oatmeal company licensed Popeye and made a bunch of commercials where he got his strength from eating oatmeal. I thought that they'd officially retconned the spinach out of the Popeye mythos and felt so betrayed.
Dontlagmebro t1_j4ieck9 wrote
It may not have been due to Popeye but I'll be damned if I don't love spinach.
Aporkalypse_Sow t1_j4ieyd8 wrote
Have you seen his mom, Stacy's mom got nothing on this MTHFR's mom.
Aporkalypse_Sow t1_j4ifdvd wrote
If you try each day to squeeze open a can of spinach with your hands, you'll probably end up with similar forearms.
Ludique t1_j4ihwy7 wrote
"Keep rubbing that chicken, Popeye"
kersh2099 t1_j4ii487 wrote
I see someone else is a fan of No Such Thing as a Fish!
Lazy_God t1_j4ij6z8 wrote
As a kid back in the late 60's I wanted to try spinach sooo much because of Popeye. When my mom finally cooked some it tasted like shit, and I never wanted it again.
(My mom was an awful cook, so it tasted worse than it should have)
Emotional_Raccoon651 t1_j4ilpie wrote
I still try this time to time. I can get some finger dents and even warped a can or two. Never been able to get that damn top to pop though
wowsosquare t1_j4inlmd wrote
Are you really named Popeye by your buddies?
sdfgjghk t1_j4ip83i wrote
That's me.
Beefsupreme473 t1_j4iqdg4 wrote
she is all I want, and I've waited for so long.
Soup89 t1_j4irzfc wrote
Do you also listen to No Such Thing As a Fish?
res30stupid t1_j4ivh3e wrote
In the original commic, the whiffle hen would magically enchant anyone who scratched it on the head; most people got supernatural luck, while Popeye got super-strength.
In fact, in the story in which he debuted, Castor Oyl hired him to bring the group to an island casino to swindle the place using Castor's boosted luck. Popeye used his strength to beat the shit out of some thugs who chased them back to get their boss' money back; it also saved Popeye's life since the boost also let him survive being shot six times.
Interestingly, Popeye debuted ten years into the comic's storyline - it was originally called Thimble Theatre and Olive Oyl was the main character; but she later dumped her fiancé Ham Gravy to date Popeye.
Also, the whiffle hen's magic ended up permanently imbuing into Popeye, making him superhuman. The spinach thing was added later because he needed it as a psychomatic crutch to get his strength back.
KeepCalmCarrion t1_j4ivr8v wrote
I'm strong as the Dickens
Cause I rub my chicken
I'm Popeye the sailor man
Smurfblossom t1_j4ixpi0 wrote
Well canned spinach leaves a lot to be desired no matter what you do to it.
Fondren_Richmond t1_j4j8mu2 wrote
Bluto'll get a lickin, once I rub this chicken
FishAndRiceKeks t1_j4jf8m5 wrote
There are many like it but this one is mine!
phenolic72 t1_j4jm9d1 wrote
Popeye, who was your favorite Little Rascal?
CraftyArmitage t1_j4jpy2l wrote
Was that the first recorded instance of the "hooman" meme?
FrakkingUsername t1_j4jswn3 wrote
I have the mutation! My psych told me that it messes with your bodies ability to convert vitamin B to a usable form, so they gave me l-methylfolate.
Hot_Credit_6350 t1_j4jt57k wrote
Can’t see how watching a sailor stroke random cocks for strength would not be would not be considered family friendly !
That explains that’s why he goes “Ah ga ga ga ga ga ga”
djdefenda t1_j4jzv4q wrote
'Cause I Yam whatever you say I Yam
If I wasn't, then why would I say I Yam?
In the paper, the news, every day I Yam, huh
I don't know, it's just the way I Yam?
creggieb t1_j4k091e wrote
I remember these comics. Didn't the group take the whiffed hen on some sort of gambling tour?
Irate_Alligate1 t1_j4kf6hm wrote
I heard this in the last No Such Thing as a Fish podcast
bayesian13 t1_j4kmkai wrote
does it work?
Picolete t1_j4lauaz wrote
Raw taste way better than cooked
Crazy-Pilot2894 t1_j4lxx72 wrote
Ah yes, choking the ol' whiffle hen.
threedogcircus t1_j4gc41l wrote
Haha. He got massive forearms rubbing chickens eh?