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OkayKoke t1_j9uknwb wrote

The car being electric has nothing to do with this situation. This is just an idiot driver


VTGrown t1_j9ux1jd wrote

Maybe it's not causation but correlation?


Reasonable_Bend_1472 t1_j9umgso wrote

They are an idiot (driver and parent post), but it is a valid concern: You can carry 50 miles of ICE range in a plastic jug.


OkayKoke t1_j9un35d wrote

Cool, how’s that gas can going to help an ICE sedan get up this unmaintained road? It’s completely irrelevant to this situation


Hanginon t1_j9upuvx wrote

How about real snow tires? Driving skills and good decision making?

Can you carry them too and add them on when needed?

I see plenty of low ground clearance + summer tires vehicles stuck on Vermont back roads every year. Wait until mud season and you've got a 50/50 chance of seeing one high centered in the middle of any -mud- dirt road.


meinblown t1_j9ut2qf wrote

Now explain the high number of lifted pickups seen on their roofs in the median of the highway in the middle of summer.


Hanginon t1_j9uuvrm wrote

Remember those kids in school who paid no attention in basic science class? IE. Newtons' laws, etc.

"ThIs Is StUpId. I'm nEvEr GoInG tO UsE ThIs!"

They were right, they still don't. ¯\_( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)_/¯