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-_Stove_- t1_j9y7c9p wrote

It's like your post in your own Subreddit didn't get traction, so you came over here. Again.


meinblown t1_j9yg9ak wrote

They even copy pasted that horrendous attempt at a title. I have read the title like 5 times and I can't figure it out.


TheTowerBard t1_j9yfymm wrote

It’s like you’re complaining about someone on a platform that you can very easily block and never have to be bothered by again. Again.

Sarcasm aside, I genuinely don’t understand why you easily triggered folks don’t utilize the block feature more. It’s there for a reason. That, or just scroll on by if it’s a post you don’t care for. Instead, you choose to engage because this is obviously something that bothers you in some way. Maybe reflect on that.
