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t1_ja8by5s wrote

I'm of the opinion that if you care about party at the local level you're probably a hack.

I'd never vote for any republican for a federal post but I've voted for multiple republicans within the state, including every governor's race. A lot of them I've known personally since I was a kid (friends of my dad. I don't know anyone my own age who calls themself a republican).


t1_jaa017h wrote

I'm of the opinion that if you DON'T care about party at every level you are a fool. Where do you think the folks that make it to the national level get their feet wet, Nicholas?

You also clearly haven't been paying attention the last whole bunch of years (20+ now) as the extreme right, white supremacist groups, and even the Qanon psychopaths have been encouraging their flock to run for local office and a school board positions. Sheesh.


t1_ja8d90u wrote

Jim Jeffords, yo.


t1_jaawdup wrote

Even Jim had the sense to jump ship.


t1_jaclxhl wrote

Yeah, and it was a great moment. It was the big news story in the country and then 9/11 hit. I just meant a lot of us were voting for him, that's all.