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vermont4runner t1_j9fmdkn wrote

Change your plates ASAP.

Prepare to be called a masshole if you’re being a dick.

Leave your state politics behind, they don’t apply here and you’ll really rub people the wrong way.

VT is a constitutional carry state, you’ll see a lot of guns and many many people own them. It’s a contributing factor to the safety and low crime here.

Don’t try and make VT MASS. It is a microcosm all of its own and those here generally like it that way.

As someone who’s from NH, has tons of family in MASS, and now lives in VT for 6 years raising a young family, you will be welcomed with opened arms by most if you listen to the above.

Welcome, it’s nice here.


spitsparadise OP t1_j9fogix wrote

Thanks, stoked to be a part of it all. Changing plates and state health insurance is on the top of the list! We are definitely leaving Mass, not bringing it with us haha. I like saying hi to people I pass by on hikes. People here is mass don't even look us in the eye it's very annoying.