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SmoothSlavperator t1_j7pyrp3 wrote

I'm a scientist near a major city. I work in STEM in an environment where I am the minority. I have two godchildren, neither are white. One is the offspring of a refugee, the other is the offspring of an undocumented immigrant. I speak 3 languages and can partially understand about 5 additional.

At what point did I say racism should be tolerated? I asked for more information.

Combatting racism is a lot like combatting terrorism. If you come in heavy handed, it causes people to dig in and you wind up with more racists. Racism is learned either from their upbringing environment or their life experiences. You have to TEACH people to not be racist, you can't beat them over the head with it and expect them to change. Half the kids you see slipping like that aren't even racist, they're still developing emotionally and think they're being edgy or cool by doing such things. You have to show them that that is not the way. Your saviorism is getting in the way of developing any real strategy to combat the issue. Its like herding cats.


MargaerySchrute t1_j7q35i9 wrote

This argument is like saying “I’m not racist because I have black friends”, and that isn’t how it works.

When you ask what slur is used, it puts the emphasis on the wrong thing: the word, when the issue is the intent of using these words. We don’t need to know the slur in order to change the behavior.


SmoothSlavperator t1_j7q3fbx wrote

People in this sub love jumping to conclusions.

I concur, intent is what matters. What slurs and the context can give clues as to intent. Once you have a better handle on exactly what transpired, then you can more effectively address it in a manner that works the most efficiently.


TheTowerBard t1_j7q0h28 wrote

So you want to continue to tolerate intolerance? What you describe is the failed approach we have been using for generations. It doesn't work. We need to stop tolerating intolerance, wholly and completely. Full stop.

The things you wrote in this last comment don't jive with your original statements btw. Someone as smart as you that has diversity in your life and in your family knows EXCATLY what slurs are and exactly why they aren't ok to use in this setting. Shame on you, for real. So enough of this bullshit gaslighting. If you are who you say you are, you wouldn't ask the questions you asked.

You don't have to take my word for any of this, either. Go ahead reread MLK's Letter From Birmingham Jail. Educate yourself on the paradox of tolerance. People much smarter than both of us have been trying to get you moderates to recognize this approach doesn't work for generations now. Listen to them, not me.

You want to get racism out of our communities? Make it VERY CLEAR that this bullshit isn't welcome here in any way shape or form. And when LITERAL CHILDREN tell you they are fed up with the racism they experience, shut your mouth and listen instead of trying to spark an ignorant debate about what slurs are ok. Why? Because that is racist. You are being racist. Sorry if that hurts your feelings, but here we are. You know better.


SmoothSlavperator t1_j7q1b0k wrote

So what do you do when everyone your bludgeoning Balkanizes?

At no point did I say it should be tolerated. Soft power, steady pressure.


TheTowerBard t1_j7q2idm wrote

We are balkanizing anyway. We have been doing the approach you are advocating for and the thing you are suggesting will happen if we do things "my" way is already happening while doing things your way.

Again, MLK literally disagrees with you. Maybe this is a good time for us all to reread some of his works and reflect on them. It is black history month, afterall. And don't slack on the paradox of tolerance, either.