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Real-Pierre-Delecto2 t1_j7twu4z wrote

It's the profession I don't blame him for doing whats he's good at. While I don't like this cop good defense attorneys keep the prosecution and police honest at times. If only poor folks had better access to people like him.


wrenchindaddy802 t1_j7u53ir wrote

Check out the wrongful conviction podcast. There are people who have been wrongly convinced of murder with less evidence than there is in this case.


Real-Pierre-Delecto2 t1_j7u8f2u wrote

This is my moral hangup when it comes to the death penalty. We all or we should all know by now how much police lie and coverup their shit. With all the exonerations there has to be some who were not guilty. Hard to imagine executing an innocent man or woman but I would bet it has happened. Off topic kinda but still.


wrenchindaddy802 t1_j7ugp65 wrote

We're almost at 200 people exonerated from death row. 200 PEOPLE on death row, that were found to be entirely innocent. I used to be pro death penalty, now I'm totally against it until we (probably never) fix the system. The judicial system as a whole is in ruins, studies show that almost 10 percent of the prison population is innocent of the crimes they're in there for. Even if it's 2 percent that's too much. There's so much that feeds into it. Tunnel vision, "expert" testimony by people who don't have any legitimate accreditation, speaking on opinion or myth. Public defenders who are overloaded and don't care about their clients lives, and juries that don't understand what reasonable doubt means.


Real-Pierre-Delecto2 t1_j7v0ubd wrote

200 Fuck that's heartbreaking. I had thought less if it's 200 now imagine how many others there are grrr. Only way I could support it now is if it was voluntary. The points you make thought are pretty spot on in regards to juries and general courtroom failures. Guys like this cop have the cash to afford David who will call this stuff out in real time while most of us get stuck with some poor PD with 200 cases who might run for prosecutor someday. Meanwhile the prosecution has just about unlimited resources. Got no answers really it's a pretty entrenched system favoring the state. This lawyer gets some bad guys off sure but I am of the old school belief that if a few get away and it keeps the police/courts in check for the vast majority of us then it's for the better.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j7tyftb wrote

Yeah, that the argument I hear from lawyers when this discussion comes up. I understand that point of view, I just disagree.


Real-Pierre-Delecto2 t1_j7u8ju0 wrote

> I just disagree.

Wow without name calling. A first for Reddit:)


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j7uc2kg wrote

Sorry forgot where I was for a minute. You can pick from the following:

I can insult you with made up facts then block you so you can't respond.

I can put words in your mouth and then respond to that.

I can infer your politics and make a direct comparison between you a Hitler or Putin.

I can make a joke about your sexual preference and then insist it's not really homophobic and it's about "power"

Just let me know, I'll try to do better next time.



Real-Pierre-Delecto2 t1_j7uenjz wrote

How about all of the above? That would be typical anyways. Thanks though this brought me a decent chuckle:)