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bobsizzle t1_j8a0tb6 wrote

I agree that voting should be made easier. For everyone. But I do agree IDs should be required. Politicians have long Jerry rigged elections, that's not new or even just a republican thing. Whether it's counting Dead people in votes or redrawing districts to suit your party. There should be an even amount of polling stations, based on population density. That would solve a lot of those problems. There are problems in the way elections are handled.

I'm actually someone who's lived down south and many other places and am well aware of politicians finding legal ways to abuse the system. Term limits would be nice, but I don't see anyone calling for that. Neither party. Everyone in Congress is a corrupt piece of crap. Nancy pelosi Acts pious, but her husband seems to be one of the greatest stock traders out there. Or it's because his wife has a high position in Congress so he has knowledge of things days or week's before the public. Same with the rest of Congress. Anyone who doesn't want term limits In Congress is corrupt. But that's beside the point.

I have actually had to wait to vote. Much longer then 10 minutes, but not too often because I usually live in rural communities or small towns. And yes, in white areas, I've had long waits, especially in elections with larger then expected turnouts.

I am certain there is fraud in every election. But I've never seen wide spread fraud. Not in recent memory anyway. But if there was, you might not hear about it in an environment of censorship. Hunter Bidens laptop was evidence of censorship. But I'd still agree there probably wasn't a widespread fraud to get a demented joe Biden elected. I think that was more people voting for the lesser of 2 evils. Which is still ridiculous. Why can't there actually be good candidates? There rarely are. It's just power hungry and corrupt people.

And I don't think any teacher should be talking about their personal life in class. I don't think I ever once heard anything about my teachers relationships, family, nothing. I don't mind them banning that, but if they do for LGBTQ teachers, it should be for everyone. Teachers should just be teaching kids about math and science and reading and the typical, necessary things. But again, it's not a right to be able to teach kids anything outside of a curriculum. I don't want kids learning religion in school either.