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AnyRound5042 t1_ja3u6ps wrote

In no industry on earth is it a good idea to hassle guys doing you a service. It sounds like maybe you're bf has never worked retail or anything?


[deleted] OP t1_ja3v33z wrote



AnyRound5042 t1_ja3ybdd wrote

Yeah if you have expectations you need to let them know ahead of time. I have never plowed so I don't know the specifics of that industry but if you have non standard expectations I would try contacting the office and ask what is the best way of communication that to the driver. If your requests are kind of extra I would also consider meeting the driver when he gets to your house and talking to him as well and at that point offering a hot coffee or something. If you're waiting until after and complaining it's creating a problem for the company, possibly getting the driver in trouble, and probably costing them money so that's definitely not the move. What are they doing that's wrong anyways?