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joeydokes t1_j8lmvlt wrote

Vermont is a State of mind; full of nooks and crannies!

Life in a developed area can get old (culture-wise) in a decade or less; so you head up to Montreal. Life in the rural hinter parts is either savoring the peace-n-quiet of pastoral privacy, or letting the quiet slowly make you crazy with solitude and isolation.

Being rural without the benefits of extended network or family contributes to that. A church or two, the school, the general store; that's what ya got for social if not for tail-gate beers at the end of some dirt road leading into the woods; maybe near a swimming hole.



greenmountaintragedy t1_j8og6mj wrote

Are we the (maple flavored) English Muffin of America? Cool!


joeydokes t1_j8oh7sc wrote

thanks for that! VT - the state of nooks and crannies; a good place to be gored :)