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HappilyhiketheHump t1_j8o9p8w wrote

Ahhhh, town meeting day floor votes.

Where the white haired landed gentry make the spending decisions for the town without having to see or hear from the working poor, the house bound, the sick, the traveling, the shy or the rest of the undesirables.

The town meeting day tradition of discrimination by floor vote needs to end.


HomeOnTheMountain_ t1_j8polmg wrote

wait, don't all those folks have the ability to vote as well?


HappilyhiketheHump t1_j8rmgcs wrote

Not on a town meeting floor vote. You have to be there in person, usually at an unknown time to vote on earned articles. (There is no schedule as to when votes are held)

If you are working, housebound, sick, caring for someone who is sick, traveling or deployed, or infirm, you don’t get to vote on your towns budget or school district budgets.

Absolutely a travesty.


[deleted] t1_j8rv6co wrote



HappilyhiketheHump t1_j8rvvf4 wrote

Yep. It’s a rigged system to keep those in charge in charge.
I’m not sure how it is even legal in todays world. Our old Secretary of State supported town meeting floor votes and our new Secretary does as well.


No-Ganache7168 t1_j9yhwjk wrote

No. Essential workers, those who can’t take off and those who are too sick or old to attend cannot. That’s why only 6 percent of my town’s voters come out vs 40 percent for ballots


No-Ganache7168 t1_j9mibsc wrote

We have a municipal budget that's up 28 percent because the town administer is giving himself a 30 percent raise and he's giving the rest of the municipal workers raises of at least 8 percent. He started out making $61,000 with no related degree and no related experience two years ago and if approved he'll be raking in over $100,000. He didn't like the old pay scale so he just found a new one and the select board approved it. He also wrote a contract where the town must give him at least a 4 percent COL raise annually and more if inflation is higher. Plus he gets $200 a month in gas money without needing to hand in receipts. Needless to say, our Front porch Forum comments have been interesting lately. We don't know what our taxes will be as this doesn't include education tax and our homes were reassessed last year but we weren't given the new property values.


JodaUSA t1_j9ujhbm wrote

Ok thank you for pointing this out. Gotta go be the commie at the town meeting.

Edit: The St. A proletarian Revolution WILL come bitches, be ready


flambeaway t1_ja7dbzt wrote

Consider visiting r/VTGuns and looking into how you might advocate against the multipronged attempted disarmament of the proletariat this legislative session


oneisgoodtwoisbetter t1_j8nqjyb wrote

Ack that’s coming up soon! Hartford here and need to do some research. Thanks for the reminder!


zombienutz1 t1_j8nq1fh wrote

2 bloated budgets and some councilor/board seats.


HomeOnTheMountain_ t1_j8pooul wrote

School budget that apparently jumped 15%? Seems...odd.


No-Ganache7168 t1_j9yi3ro wrote

Not really. Ours will jump anywhere from 5 to 20 percent. I’m not sure about this year as everyone is worried about the 30 percent municipal budget increase


vermont4runner t1_j8zxe0t wrote

Same here. Yet overall spending decreased? I’m moving because slater valley district is an absolute joke. I refuse to send my kids there.