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Kixeliz t1_jacpyoj wrote

Requiring a teacher to have a degree in education doesn't seem all that far fetched to me. Doesn't matter how knowledgeable someone is if they don't know how to effectively pass that knowledge on to others, specifically children, in a meaningful way.

And SJA has been pulling shenanigans for years where it'll claim it's a private school so no one has any say over what it does with its money and then claim it's a public school so give it all the tax dollars please and thank you. The status quo is not working.


Ok_Birthday749 t1_jacqyyp wrote

Perhaps before making a judgement you should look at outcomes for students and compare those to even the top performing public school in the State. Then your argument about a teaching degree may have some merit. But the outcomes for students speak for themselves. Especially considering SJA and LI serve an enormous number of children from the consistently most economically depressed area of the state, the NEK. Are you from the NEK? Do you have any idea what the culture here is like or the lack of opportunities there will be for the poorest kids in the state if this were to be passed the way it is currently written?

No, you’re more concerned about virtue signaling that private school equals bad. Our public school education system is in shambles for a reason and you think it’s a good idea to force the four schools in question to start running on that model? Maybe actually have some idea what you’re debating before you make comment. I’m an atheist. Avowed socialist since the 90s. This isn’t a black and white issue like people are attempting to make it.


Kixeliz t1_jacruip wrote

It's always weird to me when people wag their finger about rushing to judgement and then freely make their own assumptions.

The public education system is in shambles, specifically because pro-business people have been actively working to undermine public education for decades, including propping up schools like SJA and LI. It's also weird how you say this isn't a black and white issue, yet you're only arguing for private schools here. And for the record, I don't give a shit what religion you may or may not hold, that part is absolutely a distraction. It's about capitalism, not who you pray to. "Avowed socialist," man people really say whatever on the internet, huh?

Edit: This is a great example of people's priorities shifting because they personally see a benefit. You stated you have a kid going to SJA, so now you're strongly defending a private school despite claiming to be an "avowed socialist." So either that was a lie, or your politics take a back seat if you think something is going your way.


Ok_Birthday749 t1_jacsjnf wrote

No I’m arguing the issue at hand. The topic of what to do about the shitty schools we have all over the place here in VT wasn’t the topic. There are plenty of things that could be done and should be done to make schools here better. We can never get to any sort of real change because we get hung up on issues like this one.

ETA: you really have no ability to use logic do you lol? This is about education dipshit. We live in a capitalist country. Everything is under the guise of capitalism.


Kixeliz t1_jacsog2 wrote

That is the issue at hand. Are we having a funding issue if schools are performing as expected? Don't try moving the goalposts.

Edit: Dude blocked me, such strong convictions. And name calling? Bet you set a great example for that kid lol


Krusch420 t1_jacry96 wrote

You may think your teacher with no teaching degree is a good teacher, but they don’t learn class room management skills or social emotional learning. Right now you can get an emergency licensure anyways, so I’m not sure why this is an issue.


Kixeliz t1_jacs7x0 wrote

So this hypothetical teacher with no teaching degree will have classroom management skills or social emotional learning? Just being knowledgeable about a topic doesn't make you the best possible teacher available, was my point.