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TheTowerBard t1_jadsgqp wrote

This is deranged. A decent society would have well funded smaller community schools in every neighborhood. We know what our kids need to thrive, we actively choose to deny them of that. We constantly make the situation worse, not better. Smaller classes. Better pay for teachers to attract the best. Its truly deranged. And if your reason for denying our kids a good education is funding, then I’ve a got a bridge for sale in NY I’d like to discuss with you as you clearly have zero sense. We are the wealthiest country in the world. We are supposedly a Christian nation. It is a choice to deny our kids the education we know that most will thrive in.

What are we doing folks? We are objectively a society that hates its children. The two leading causes of death for children in our country are guns and car accidents. Both could be almost entirely eliminated if us adults collectively decided to actually give a shit.
