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Eagle_Arm t1_ja7ppor wrote

Is it a Vermont story? No.

Are small parts of it a Vermont story? Yes, but not every detail of it is Vermont centric. If want to talk about it, talk about the Vermont bits.

The ski industry is not a Vermont story. Talking about skiing in the Alps or Alaska or Japan is not a Vermont ski story, even though we have skiing. A ski industry story that is based on or talks about Vermont, is a Vermont story.

You keep posting the same garbage and expect different answers. There's a reason people tell you to stop spamming. Stop seeking attention on reddit.


HappilyhiketheHump t1_ja7s0os wrote

I’ll bite, but with a caveat.

FTX represents the largest political campaign fraud in US history with our newly elected House Rep unwittingly being one of the largest benefactors of that fraud.

So, given the currently known facts, yeah it’s a VT story.

But I wanna hear your take Rama. Just pitching a grenade through a window and watching/hoping to see carnage is really boring for the rest of us.


jsled t1_ja7s1u0 wrote

Sorry, did you mean to send modmail?

Generally, no, it's not.


RamaSchneider OP t1_ja827n9 wrote

Rama's take: it is a Vermont story, and it is an important story for Vermont.

I'm happy to interact. In fact that's why I post and comment.

This subreddit was in the top 5% of numbers well before I came along. I didn't make this sub, and I don't mod it. At any time folks can down vote my stuff into a single, pathetic little line that let's one know somebody posted something there. Hell, the mods can boot me out.

This isn't my place.

Just don't expect me or even yourself to respond to comments who's only value is to express dissatisfaction with the poster.


couldbeyourex t1_ja836l6 wrote

Not singularly but yes it is now a part of our story


RamaSchneider OP t1_ja84bx7 wrote

I am going to posit here that this FTX topic is indeed an important Vermont story of ongoing importance, and part of that argument goes to my refrain regarding no magical borders to protect Vermont.

I picked that "no magic borders" up as a concept and phrase through discussions regarding Vermont's sales taxes. It was one of those phrases that I heard from those folks who pointed out how a higher sales tax on one side of the Connecticut River would result in more business for the other side where a sales tax didn't even exist. (Yes, Vermont and New Hampshire)

The massively corrupting influence of big money in ALL of our politics, just like the sales tax, knows no magical borders that will protect us.

You can shut me out all you want. I honestly couldn't care. But don't shut out the corruption of big money in our politics. (And yeah - if you've reached this point - I've won, because you'll remember the big money out of politics thing.)


HappilyhiketheHump t1_ja8e3zu wrote

  1. It hasn’t been throughly exposed. It is just coming to light now and the details and the extent of the fraud are mostly unknown.
  2. Given the current known numbers, it is most assuredly the largest campaign finance fraud ever uncovered in the US.
  3. Agree that campaign funding laws are week.