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Unique-Public-8594 t1_j9u9yp7 wrote

> Hiya, Vermont redditors!


> I'm seeking any help with concocting this gift.

There is a NewToVermont sub.

> Where's somewhere 11/10 excellent to visit mid-April?

Not Vermont. Vermont is dreary and ugly in mid April.

> I'm looking for daytime nature sights that take your breath away

Not in mid April.

> bike the rest of the way

Snow is not uncommon here in April.

> I'm being realistic

Not really.

> if it's gonna be a miserable ride, I don't mind knowing!

Unpredictable. Could be great could be awfully muddy.

> looking for a pretty ride

It will be dreary. Things don’t pretty up here til about June 1st but then black flies are brutal til about Father’s Day.

> we both just love taking the train

That’s cool. Not a lot of train stops I’m aware of

> Stargazing locations near-ish somewhere good for dinner. I know having food options/businesses available conflicts with low light pollution, though.


> I love a good scheme.

Not sounding good though.


t-shirt-questforlove OP t1_j9ubfj9 wrote

Hey! I caught that r/NewToVermont exists and checked it out, but the Visiting Vermont flair also was available. If this kinda question truly is inappropriate here, I'm down to relocate it.

I did mean that I'm being realistic — if it's not the place to be during that month of the year, so be it, but I'm not really seeking out beautiful weather. We're mountainless down here, so y'all do have that going for you year-round! Thanks for the input — I appreciate it.


hotseltzer t1_j9uluu4 wrote

It's not just the weather that's subpar in April, but the scenery too. Just a bunch of bare sticks and lots (and lots) of mud, if there isn't snow. The mud can get pretty bad, so much that cars can get stuck on dirt roads, so I can't imagine what that'd be like on a bike. There are also guidelines in place regarding hiking during mud season to protect the trails and vegetation.

The trip you're planning sounds lovely, really, but as others have said, if Vermont is the goal, it's better suited for a different month.


kaya-jamtastic t1_j9uhh4o wrote

It’s called mud season for a reason! Also the ticks in April and May have been truly terrible the last few years


reverievt t1_j9ylck1 wrote

April is mud season. Many hiking/biking trails will be closed. Stick to paved roads.

But most of all, don’t come in April. Sorry.