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No-Ganache7168 t1_jdvztzf wrote

Thanks for posting. We have always gotten rescues and purchased our first golden puppy last year from a local breeder. He was expensive but we met the parents, received the paperwork with his pedigree and have since got together with his siblings all of whom are beautiful examples of the breed.

I cringe when people buy dogs off Craig’s list or from Amish farms who sell to anyone. We had to fill out two applications


Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_je0hm5b wrote

You're gonna hear it from the "adopt, don't shop" crowd. My response is always to ask if they had their own children. When they answer yes, I ask why it's more important to adopt animals than people. Have yet to hear a logical answer. Best is "I can't make a dog." Well, have you tried?


Historical-Run-1511 t1_je0l3z1 wrote

I'm pretty conflicted about it, really. I'm on the old side and we have always gotten rescues. My kid (16) is kind of in love with the idea of a golden and as we descend into old age and relative infirmity (I'm in my 50s but FEEL older) the idea of a purposefully bred dog without baggage kinda appeals. I love every dog we've ever gotten from a rescue or animal control but they can be a handful. We will see in all likelihood we won't follow through with this purebred thing cause we are suckers for a weird looking shelter dog.


Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_je0lnit wrote

I certainly can. What I don't understand is lecturing other people about their dog, especially when doing so is at least a little hypocritical. The basic argument is you shouldn't buy a dog when many already need homes. Lots of kids need homes, and people who adopt kids generally don't lecture others about it. Very long winded way of saying I find the "adopt don't shop" people annoying and I don't have pets.