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Full_Whereas_2694 t1_jamwsz3 wrote

I agree, its fast and furious. I have no idea where we got it from-the problem is there is no "lead up" to the symptoms, I felt fine, then an hour later I was in double trouble. I immediately quarantined in an in-law apartment until the symptoms went away, showered, changed clothes sanitized the shit out of everything....and my wife and daughter both still got it within the next week. Aside from a week of full on covid-style isolation it's almost impossible not to give it to the people you live with. At least little kids don't seem to get very sick with this one, my 4 year old was only sick for about 3 hours. Woke up puking at 3 am. by 7 am the next morning you wouldn't be able to tell there was anything going on.


Vermontess t1_jamxa5a wrote

Spit out my coffee at Double trouble 😂

Glad you’re on the mend


Full_Whereas_2694 t1_jamy1z8 wrote

At least its quick! with some hindsight it's kind of amazing what your body is capable of it finds this virus in your gut and it's like hell no, and 24 hours later you're good to go.

Better than most of the nagging illnesses you get as a pre-school parent that sap your energy but you can't legitimately call out from work for.


IndefinableMustache t1_jamyuqq wrote

I had the same experience. My youngest puked just once and was fine 24 hours later. I was dead to the world and couldn't eat for 3 days.


Otto-Korrect t1_jan65v7 wrote

I couldn't even eat chips of ice. As soon an I swallowed, I'd start throwing up again.


HomeOnTheMountain_ t1_jancc93 wrote

Same here - It was probably within 2 hours that I went form perfectly fine to barely able to stand, purging the hoover dam from either end. Awful fuckin everything that virus is.