Submitted by t3_11h0dcn in vermont

My name is Ria, and I am a clinical researcher at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) in Boston, MA. I'm writing to share some information regarding a research study that we are currently recruiting for. We are actively seeking participants to study how feminizing hormone therapy affects heart and metabolic health in transgender women and non-binary individuals who are planning to or have recently started gender-affirming hormone therapy.

The study consists of three visits at MGH across the course of approximately 12 months. Compensation for participation is up to $850 for three study visits. The study has been approved and is monitored by the MGH IRB. For each visit, we cover any transportation (within the US) and parking expenses and provide you with a meal ticket. If interested, please contact me at (617) 724-3572 or email, or you can click this link to learn more about our study:



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t1_jarei5x wrote

Two quick questions.

  1. Why recruit here? It's nice to say transportation is "covered", but most folks I know couldn't get the time off work.

  2. Why study this in specific? From a quick perusal of the lit, "health risks of HRT" seems fairly well-covered, whereas the questions patients are actually asking are so often met with "Nobody knows."


t1_jarsksk wrote

Because the data isn't actually well covered. There is a dearth of information that includes pre or newly on HRT. It's really hard to prove causation if you don't have data from a baseline. The questions that we're asking that are often met with "nobody knows" are exactly what they're trying to answer with studies such as this.


t1_jazjhpw wrote

>but most folks I know couldn't get the time off work

Most folks you know get fewer than 3 days of PTO per year?


t1_jb4xcgh wrote

If you got 5 days, would you use three of them on this?


t1_jb51d80 wrote

Where are these people working that they only get state mandated sick time? I would gladly help connect them with some better employers.

Anyway, would I use three days of PTO to make $850 dollars plus gas money plus three meals for a study I was interested in participating in? Yes.


t1_javjpg8 wrote



t1_javwro1 wrote

Oh, where did you get your medical degree? The AMA, APA, ACA, ACE, AAP all disagree with you. Blockers and early HRT would have saved me a lot of harm. Your knowledge of trans people comes from watching one Tucker Carlson segment. Those kids and the doctors live it everyday. You know nothing and your ignorance shows


t1_jawo783 wrote

Shall we disregard my 24 year old cousin who just committed suicide? When she was 16 she was convinced she wanted to be a “he”, started HRT, dressed like a boy, started taking on more and more masculine features , was totally convinced she was a he. At the age of 20 she got her breasts removed, and was in transition to have bottom surgery. Approach age 22, falls into a deep depression, start questioning all choices she, and her parents made, wants her breasts back, and wishes she could have children if her own( which now she is unable to for the remainder of her life) wants to be a normal girl again . A few days after her 24th birthday, she killed herself, but I guess she doesn’t count does she? You are all disgusting, and should be ashamed for encouraging minors to make long term decisions that will impact them for life. Do better.


t1_jawrf9b wrote

Im sorry that happened to your cousin. Truly I am and anecdotal evidence doesn’t trump statistical data. I’m sorry she couldn’t access help before making that choice. You don’t get to deny access to thousands of in need teenagers because of the horrible thing that happened to your cousin.


t1_jawsnth wrote

I appreciate it, I just don’t want the same thing to happen to anyone else, who later regrets the decision years down the line, and takes the same path she did. Just not fair.


t1_jarf3u3 wrote

This nesting hearts image is on a FBI list of pedophile symbols. FYI


t1_jarnjc6 wrote

Prove it with a source from the FBI or delete your bullshit.


t1_jarrlh7 wrote

This person also posted on this link on the Burlington specific subreddit. Smells like a red herring for their transphobia.


t1_jar4xp5 wrote

WTF has this sub become?


t1_jarsb3b wrote

You have an issue with MGH trying to find people for a group study?


t1_jasccp0 wrote

This is a VT sub. There is nothing here about VT. This is literally an advertisement to be a test subject.

Maybe there is a sub for Medical Studies.


t1_jasgga4 wrote

They're trying to reach potential volunteers throughout New England. What's better than doing so on state and local subreddits?


t1_jasio9b wrote

Yeah, I know what they're doing. It's ADVERTISING. Maybe we should see posts about Bruins tickets or "Hey, come on a whale watch"...

My point is, there are more appropriate places to advertise medical studies than a general discussion board ABOUT VERMONT.


t1_jasjpw8 wrote

You really think asking for participants in a medical study is the same as whale watching?