meinblown t1_jbephy3 wrote
What's the prize for winning? Because if it's over the cost of the fine and tow, I know what I'm doing with a truck come spring!
cswain56 t1_jbetfbu wrote
It's a 50/50 raffle so it all depends on the number of entries
[deleted] t1_jbeuf1f wrote
WarningOpposite6804 t1_jbeun4h wrote
The winner gets 50% of total prize pool and the other 50% goes to the stowe rotary scholarship fund
Calligraphee t1_jbeuxhr wrote
Each ticket costs $10. If four people buy tickets and one wins, that person gets $20 and the other $20 goes to the scholarship fund, but if 10 people buy tickets, the winner gets $50 and the fund gets $50. So 50% of the money goes to the winner, and the other 50% goes to the rotary scholarship fund.
Hanginon t1_jbf1za0 wrote
Even after reading;
"The winner who picks the closest date/hour gets 50% of the total pool. The rest will benefit the Stowe Rotary Scholarship Fund."
Still don't understand?
Definitelynotcal1gul t1_jbfc6qc wrote
Why read when you can ask a question and also read?
Otto-Korrect t1_jbfcxpm wrote
Good question. What's the answer?
Definitelynotcal1gul t1_jbfdiyt wrote
Ha! I was being sarcastic. It seems silly to ask a question that was already answered in the OP.
There are those people who really love social interaction though... even if it involves asking questions that have already been answered.
[deleted] t1_jbfnlp7 wrote
fakebeerrealweed t1_jbfpmhm wrote
"In the event no trucks get stuck"......Has this ever happened in the past 25 years?
Stronkowski t1_jbfq8ou wrote
What? They explicitly explained what a 50/50 is:
>"The winner who picks the closest date/hour gets 50% of the total pool. The rest will benefit the Stowe Rotary Scholarship Fund."
ResponsibleExcuse727 t1_jbfsvnt wrote
Do people not do 50/50 raffles anymore?
[deleted] t1_jbfw0t8 wrote
Stronkowski t1_jbfygrt wrote
You have some weird selective sight that has let you completely block out the explanation they gave from two separate comments. Here it is again, for a third time:
>"The winner who picks the closest date/hour gets 50% of the total pool. The rest will benefit the Stowe Rotary Scholarship Fund."
Edit: LMAO, the baby blocked me over this.
PillowTalkGrrl t1_jbfzfhw wrote
That's quite clever idea. I love it.
twowheels t1_jbg176p wrote
That last disclaimer about “NO TRUCK” seems a bit pointless….
_twentytwo_22 t1_jbg4iz3 wrote
Your username checks out, cause mine is.
roborob11 t1_jbg4rqd wrote
Could someone tell me what you just said?
Definitelynotcal1gul t1_jbgl9jw wrote
I probably should have some commas in there.
You missed the post, since it's deleted, but the person basically said "I don't know what a 50/50 raffle is". The first response is someone quoting the OP with the exact words stating what a 50/50 raffle is...
So I said "Why read, when you can ask a question AND also read?" A bit sarcastic. Like they could just read the answer in front of them instead of asking for the answer and reading it... twice.
roborob11 t1_jbgp9c3 wrote
I got you. I was trying to be ironic! lol
Definitelynotcal1gul t1_jbgpmli wrote
Oh, totally WOOSHED right over my head :D
timberwolf0122 t1_jbgytvl wrote
Nope.. But it's not impossible
coldinvt t1_jbh2bj0 wrote
I’ll eat my shorts.
d15d17 t1_jbh9dmh wrote
Cool. Like in Boston college move in month (august/ sept) there are always discussions on who gets storrowed! Storrow drive in Cambridge has low bridges and they get stuck under the bridges. New college kid drivers not familiar
Golfoneway95 t1_jbhdc8d wrote
These kind of things need to be more common. Not just in VT, but nationwide.
Sudden_Dragonfly2638 t1_jbhp69m wrote
Some states will charge you $2400 just for littering. I don't know why we don't up this. Come to think of it, why don't we up the littering penalty from $200 while we're at it?
temperant55 t1_jbi6rs2 wrote
Imagine going to college named after a city that isn’t in said city
chad_bro_chill_69 t1_jbj8tve wrote
Not that it’s related to the original post at all, but about half of BC’s main campus is in Boston’s Brighton neighborhood which is very much in the city limits. “Chestnut Hill” is a just informal district shared by 3 municipalities.
wittgensteins-boat t1_jbj9bed wrote
Newton, Boston and what other municipality?
temperant55 t1_jbjhc9i wrote
Tough talk on geography for someone who doesn’t know that storage drives is in boston not Cambridge
chad_bro_chill_69 t1_jbjmzjg wrote
Tiny bit of Brookline also
chad_bro_chill_69 t1_jbjn6iz wrote
I’m not the person who originally commented that, but suppose could correct them that Storrow Dr is in Boston, Memorial Dr is in Cambridge. Both will sardine can a uhaul
JerryKook OP t1_jbefwgc wrote
Here is the link