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amoebashephard t1_jdh82dc wrote

UVM tried to do this five or six years ago, the buildings were costing quite a bit for upkeep and they wanted to sell them off to a private rental agency, mostly to aquire the matching money for a large donation to build a new arena.

Luckily, CHT was able to put an offer in. Existing students weren't just evicted, they were allowed to stay, option was given to purchase their unit, and if they wanted to transfer they were given priority in other CHT housing.

This sounds exactly like what happened there. There's tons of articles. I would contact the journalists who wrote those and get them to help you dig, then see if you can get a similar resolution, because when it comes down to it, they've likely already decided to sell it, best outcome is to get a nonprofit in that expands your options.


aMaezingadventures OP t1_jdh9vy4 wrote

We had heard rumors that the apartments here would be up for rent to non students, and honestly we would be fine with that. Trying to stay in the area so I can do grad school and my daughter can stay in the school district is almost impossible with the housing in Lamoille county right now, we are quite panicked.


amoebashephard t1_jdhfk6w wrote

If they are planning on opening up renting to non students, then I don't see how they can kick families out, since they'll need to abide by non discrimination laws- which includes discrimination on partnership/child status.

Either way, it's rough and I wish you luck. What a shitty thing for them to do