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Commercial_Case_7475 t1_jbxh65q wrote

A little story from the past. The Abenaki would often come to fish on the Connecticut river in the winter, and make camp in the fields of several farmers in bellows falls. Those in the town welcomed them and enjoyed their exchanges. Eventually the old chief that the townspeople had become accustomed to seeing became ill, and, fearing that he might soon die, the town called a meeting. They decided that it was only fitting to build the old man a house so that if he did die, at least he would be warm and comfortable. Unfortunately they didn't complete the house in time, but the people held a funeral for him which was attended by many townspeople and Abenaki people.


random_vermonter t1_jbyhbq0 wrote



Commercial_Case_7475 t1_jbymta1 wrote

"Vermont the State with the Story Book Past", Cheney, Cora; Stephen Greene Press, 1976


random_vermonter t1_jbymz2x wrote



Commercial_Case_7475 t1_jbyn7tx wrote

It's an awesome book. Reading it to my kids right now, but the way it's written is like a storybook, which makes it really fun to read. It has a great depiction of the Green Mountain Boys, too.