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papalemingway OP t1_jc1lehz wrote

I dont know much about your state (Im from Mass) but I found BF to be a really charming little place that might’ve experienced some progress since how you remember it.


iredditwasntgoodforU t1_jc3e033 wrote

The madness starts at 7 pm is and goes through the night. Summers can be a little tough. Not much to do and there’s a lot of drugs and people without work. Lots of wandering people


papalemingway OP t1_jc4j5w1 wrote

Wow, Ill be back next month and maybe stay up late enough for said madness.


iredditwasntgoodforU t1_jc6zz98 wrote

Fair enough. Have a nice time. Either ways thanks for enjoying VT! I think it’s beautiful