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Real-Pierre-Delecto2 t1_jbxzw5m wrote

There is a lot wrong with cop city but these clown protestors can suck an egg as well. I read the article then looked for facts. Most contradict the claims laid out. There is no mass displacement no ones homes are being taking etc. etc.. Plenty to be pissed about but stick to facts and no all 380 acres wont be developed either. And close womens prisions?? What?? Guess what Jayna some of you women are foul murderous creatures that belong behind bars. Sorry but your vagina does not equal a get out of jail free card. And you expect people to take any of this seriously? And I shouldn't say woke about this either right??


Pyroechidna1 t1_jby7hjx wrote

I would wager a lot that the forest is not “old growth” as claimed above

EDIT: I looked on a map, and there's no way in hell that it is


Real-Pierre-Delecto2 t1_jbyq1aw wrote

Can't argue with these morons. I mean abolish womens prisons what planet are you even on??


Pyroechidna1 t1_jbyq7hs wrote

Our prison population is indeed too damn high and I would like to see it reduced. One imagines that there are few women in prison who urgently need to be there
