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ResponsibleExcuse727 t1_jc2hz75 wrote

Hahaa yes the “pleasure”. Hard to take in the scenery dodging suspension ending pot holes. If you want a fun drive try camp brook road from Rochester over to bethel. Test driving my next vehicle there..


sound_of_apocalypto t1_jc2ux45 wrote

Is it that bad right now? It got a lot of TLC a few years ago.


ReasonableLiving5958 t1_jc32dhl wrote

It is horrible. Had to drive a box truck through there since a customer was along that road towards the top so I didn't have a choice. I had driven my regular car through there a couple years prior so figured it'd be fine (and the truck was plenty small enough to safely take the curves)

Its astounding how fast it deteriorated in those couple of years. Even the little cars behind me were bouncing up and down like mad and we were crawling along at less than 20 the whole way.

Over 10 years with my CDL and that is easily the worst road I've ever been on in Vermont other than maybe Big Hollow Road in Starksboro during a bad mud season.


Sea-Election-9168 t1_jc3aq3z wrote

Runner up and honorable mention: Ireland Road and Shaker Hill Road, coincidentally also in Starksboro! Not really the town’s fault - it’s the geology.


ResponsibleExcuse727 t1_jc3gr3h wrote

It’s horrible. A 50 there at that. I have to pull over and let the mass drivers ruin their cars. Anything over 20 is just asking for a flat or to kill your suspension. Didn’t it get washed out like less than 10 years ago and rebuilt?