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vermont4runner t1_jc73x6r wrote

I mean ok, but that doesn’t mean anything if it’s also still illegal at the federal level. Federal > state > local laws.


ArkeryStarkery t1_jc78m14 wrote

It means something! Cannabis is still illegal federally, and yet we have dispensaries. It's not perfect but it's not nothing.


Dire88 t1_jc7h4qt wrote

Fed will likely go the same route it has with states that legalized Marijuanna - they will no longer pursue charges for simple possession.


vermont4runner t1_jc7jbbp wrote

Sure! But until then this is just more feel good legislation.


johannthegoatman t1_jc7x511 wrote

It means plenty. It means state and local police/courts will treat possession much differently. If you get caught by the FBI, you're still screwed, but that is not the case for 99% of people.


AllyEmmie t1_jc7e4g0 wrote

Legalization and decriminalization are different things.


vermont4runner t1_jc7j8uz wrote

Decrimilized at the state level does nothing for the federal level.
