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t1_je56t7r wrote

Do their job? It is your responsibility to bring proof of taxes paid to the DMV. You brought "I paid some fee, and the internet says it's the same thing." Are you really surprised that the clerk didn't accept that?


OP t1_je5eewl wrote

Lol…. It isn’t just “the internet said something” is it what the SC DMV told me and confirmed AND it’s an easy google search. So actually, they do need to accept it, and they can do their job by knowing what documents are equal to sales tax in other states.


OP t1_je5eqbu wrote

I brought the correct paperwork to them and they were not knowledgeable nor did they care to look it up or call the dmv. So yes I am surprised they did not accept it, considering it is literally what they need from the state I moved from. SC passed a bill in July of 2017 stating IMF is equal and replaces sales tax. Sad. Truly.


t1_je6va2k wrote

...if it is correct, why was it rejected?


OP t1_je6wv38 wrote

Lol because the lady working at the desk was unfamiliar with the SC sales tax bill introduced in 2017. Literally went today with the SC DMV printout of the “thing I found on the internet” since the DMV told me to do that and it was accepted. I brought the exact same information as yesterday but got a new person who was actually doing their job and helping. ✌🏻