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SchmeddyBallz t1_jcc526h wrote

Can you not shovel it? It wouldn't take that much to clear enough for a car to get through it. And with the coming warm period, if you get down to gravel or asphalt it'll melt quickly.


swordsman917 t1_jccp218 wrote

70 meters is pretty significant.


SchmeddyBallz t1_jccpft5 wrote

A little over 200ft is for sure not nothing. But over the course of a few days you should be able to make it passable with a car.


graysonofgotham t1_jcd17ff wrote

Yeah, I came to this thread with sympathy, I also have an infant and I shovel my 220 foot driveway every time the snow is too heavy for my snowblower…which has been the last 2 storms. I was out at 9 last night and 4 this morning. It sucks, but it’s necessary. I took some ibuprofen and I’ll still cover my baby shift tonight.

But, if I ever found myself in a situation like OP where I couldn’t do it on my own, I have 4 guys with plows and sanders in my contact list that I could call (and frequently do after we get ice storms to lay down some sand for traction.).

OP: if you read this, I realize this comment sounds sarcastic, it’s probably the dad brain… but genuine advice is this year you should get out in your community, make some friends. Join your local emergency service volunteer organization, half the guys there plow for a living, and now you have someone to call in a pinch 😂


Disastrous-Nothing14 t1_jcdeq57 wrote

Were it me I would pay you one canuckistan peso per liter by weight shoveled for every degree kelvin over 0