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cpujockey t1_je6w00b wrote

And I will cite the prohibition which started my dad's family in Vermont due to our grand father being caught smuggling liquor from canada and being jailed state side.

I am not saying that laws wont help - but outright banning of firearms is going to piss off more people and cause a lot more problems than regulation. Most responsible gun owners (myself included) are for common sense regulation, psyche evals and all that shit. But outright banning firearms is a slippery slope that will reveal the same fallacies as alcohol prohibition: criminals will most definitely find a way.


Human802 t1_je7buey wrote

And once again you argue against the strawman. An outright ban is constitutionally prohibited, anyone calling for one shouldn’t be taken very seriously.

Yet that is the framing I see so often in the many failed discussions about gun in our society.

Personally I’d like to see more enforcement of existing laws, and any new laws focused on own accountability. Safe storage laws and biometric identification technology should be considered. The fact that guns kill so many kids, many due to storage failures, is a goddamn disgrace.