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FyuckerFjord t1_je7cvrn wrote

Ah, you were the guy at the slave auctions bidding on slaves and yelling, "I don't agree with these laws, but give me that guy over there! Also, Johnson is sleeping with his slave in the field for everyone to see, so lock him up and give me his property! Once again, I disagree with these laws!"

Fuck outta here, you four-lipped snitch-loving dipshit, speaking out two sides of a paper asshole.

EDIT: Figures you would go out snitching and then hiding your comment from me. What a punk. Had you pegged from the jump. Go lick some boots.

EDIT 2: Since Reddit shadowbanned me from replying to Corey - It's scary how far you had to put your head up your ass to think that THAT was the comparison. Please don't breed.


Corey307 t1_je7hfwo wrote

Jesus Christ you’re comparing some dumbfuck who ratted himself out online to victims of slavery. That’s fucked, you wanna try the Holocaust next?